miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017
martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017
miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017
Robot Zowimanoide
Este es nuestro proyecto final de arduino en el cual hemos estado trabajando en el ultimo trimestre

Click aqui para ver el archivo explicando el Proyecto.

Click aqui para ver el archivo explicando el Proyecto.
Juego Scratch
Este es mi juego final de scratch hecho a partir de los conocimientos aprendidos en clase:

Link para jugarlo: JUEGO

Link para jugarlo: JUEGO
lunes, 19 de junio de 2017
TASK #14: My apraisal of the English class
TASK #14
TITLE: My apraisal of the English class
DEADLINE: 21 June at 10.00 pm
INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE, WRITE a critical commentary of the English class. Say what you liked and also what you consider could be different and/or better/more useful. PLEASE, feel free to comment on the English teacher too: his communication style, the way he gives instructions or explain things, etc.
UPLOAD the text on your blog.
TASK #14
TITLE: My apraisal of the English class
DEADLINE: 21 June at 10.00 pm
INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE, WRITE a critical commentary of the English class. Say what you liked and also what you consider could be different and/or better/more useful. PLEASE, feel free to comment on the English teacher too: his communication style, the way he gives instructions or explain things, etc.
First of all I would like to say that I liked this year according with the English class.
I liked how we were not just doing vocabulary or grammar activities and we do other activities like videos or we just discuss avout any topic, but in addition to this, I would say that we waste a lot of time on useless activities that dont help us on the unit like the activities of introduction of any unit.
The different activities of Christmas, Halloween and Easter are really nice because they help us to dont be so frustated with the examns on these dates.
I think we must speak mostly of the time of class on english and stop speaking spanish unless if we dont know something. With this I would like to remove the voice recording because I think is worthless doing it if the teacher can hear us on class. The blog is a nice idea but I think that we can use it or maybe Google Drive as a way of sharing file from the teacher to help us on the activities about the unit.
What i can say about the teacher is that he made the class really enjoyable, but maybe too enjoyable that some students dont the the correct things and I think that he must make the class enjoyable but always with care about these students.
In general I liked this year of the English class.
jueves, 1 de junio de 2017
TASK #13 Unit test 7 Speaking task
TASK #13
TITLE: Unit test 7 Speaking task
DEADLINE: 2 June at 10.00 pm
INSTRUCTIONS: WRITE an essay following the instructions below. Then UPLOAD it on your blog and RECORD it and send it to my email address miguelgarciaarreza@gmail.com
PLEASE, change the title to 1Bachtask#13namesurname
Topic: The World's economy can only keep growing if more and more stuff is produced and sold. The planet's resources are limited and the damage inflicted upon nature may be irreparable. Knowing this, in your opinion, what could an ethical shopper do realistically? Would you do what you say can be done?
(Make your essay at least 120 words long.)
It is a hard topic to talk about because we cant just stop buying things, but if we continue buying with this speed we will destroy the planet, something that its just not factible for us.
Many people think that they can buy anything because they wont see the further future of our planet, what i think is a selfish position.
What I propose to do, is just buy what we need, i mean if someone can live with just 4 jeans, why should he buy more than what they need to live? its just as easy as that, with that issue we help our planer of not being destroyed and in addition we save up money, so i think this is the decision that everyone must take, if everyone do that, i think we could slow down this process of waste of resources.
domingo, 2 de abril de 2017
TASK #11 Unit test 6 Speaking task
TASK #11
TITLE: Unit test 6 Speaking task
DEADLINE: 2 April at 10.00 pm
The aim of this essay is to put in writing you reflection about the actions you normally do that may be detrimental to the environment and that you may change in the future:
A. Classify in the right column all the actions that you do that involve using energy:
Actions that I have to do whatever the amount of energy involved Use the lights
TITLE: Unit test 6 Speaking task
DEADLINE: 2 April at 10.00 pm
The aim of this essay is to put in writing you reflection about the actions you normally do that may be detrimental to the environment and that you may change in the future:
A. Classify in the right column all the actions that you do that involve using energy:
Actions that I have to do whatever the amount of energy involved Use the lights
Use the computer
charge my mobile phone
Actions that I have to do but could be done using less energystay less time while taking a shower
Actions that I do but I could eliminate if I wanted to
Have the TV turned on while im doing my homeworks
Actions that I do but I could eliminate if I wanted to
Have the TV turned on while im doing my homeworks
Use the car instead walk
Really silly actions that I do that involve wasting energy and that I must eliminate asapUse the lift
Dont turn off my computer when i dont use it
B. WRITE an essay expressing what you have found about your use of energy and how you could change your habits to reduce the impact on the environment:
Start like this: AFTER DUE CONSIDERATION to the issue proposed by the teacher, this is what I have found and what I intend to do in the future ................................................................
(The essay should be at least 150 words long)
Then, .....
1. UPLOAD a copy on your blog.
2. Make a RECORDING of it and send it to me at ...
PLEASE, change the title to 1bachtask#namesurname
B. WRITE an essay expressing what you have found about your use of energy and how you could change your habits to reduce the impact on the environment:
Start like this: AFTER DUE CONSIDERATION to the issue proposed by the teacher, this is what I have found and what I intend to do in the future ................................................................
(The essay should be at least 150 words long)
Then, .....
1. UPLOAD a copy on your blog.
2. Make a RECORDING of it and send it to me at ...
PLEASE, change the title to 1bachtask#namesurname
After due consideration to the issue proposed by the teacher, this is what I have found and what I intend to do in the future: I will use the stairs instead use the lift because its a waste of energy, i wont go on car if its not neccesary because the car pollute the environment, I will take a shower but i will stay 5 minutes instead of 10 minutes to reduce the waste of water.
I think i could turn off the light and the TV when im no using them or im not in the room.
I should turn off the computer at nights because its a huge waste of energy.
I think that if everyone change these little things we can change the world reducing our personal footprint, because planet Earth there is only one and there isnt more options.
viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017
Práctica 2 scratch
Aqui vemos una mejora de la práctica original del blog del profesor, cuando le damos a la tecla espacio, no solo crea una rosa de color como en el original, crea muchas más y de diferentes colores y formas. Hemos implementado entre Carlos Borrás y yo, variables, bloques especiales y algoritmos matemáticos que permiten el funcionamiento de la aplicación.
martes, 21 de marzo de 2017
Practica scratch
Aqui vemos un juego creado por mi y por mi compañero en el que tenemos una pelota que podemos mover con las flechas direccion y tenemos que escapar de las flechas, al perder desapareceran y mandaran un fondo de HAS PERDIDO.
jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017
TASK #10: Extraterrestrial Life
TASK #10:
TITLE: Extraterrestrial Life
DEADLINE: 9 March 2017 at 10.00 pm
INSTRUCTIONS: So far, scientists and astronomers have found no evidence that there's life anywhere else in the universe. The universe, though, is a huge place. What do you think?
Do you think life exists on other planets? If yes, would it be simple life forms or intelligent life, similar to the animals on our planet? If no, say why. In either case explain please.
Then RECORD it and send it to me at my usual address. Please, change the title to
TITLE: Extraterrestrial Life
DEADLINE: 9 March 2017 at 10.00 pm
INSTRUCTIONS: So far, scientists and astronomers have found no evidence that there's life anywhere else in the universe. The universe, though, is a huge place. What do you think?
Do you think life exists on other planets? If yes, would it be simple life forms or intelligent life, similar to the animals on our planet? If no, say why. In either case explain please.
Then RECORD it and send it to me at my usual address. Please, change the title to
I think that of course there are life in other point of the universe, the universe is huge and if there is a planet like the earth with contitions for living, why cant be another planet with similar conditions.
Recently scientist discover a new solar system with differents planets with similar conditions of the Earth, so maybe on these planets could exist new species of animals plants or even an inteligent specie like human, but i think with a different look because maybe on these plantes there are different days with more or less light than on the Earth.
The universe is a strange place that is endless in my opinion and maybe we cant find any evidence of life but maybe in another remote place there is life and I think that for sure on the future we will discover it.
miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017
Logo personal + explicación

Este es mi logo y voy a realizar una aplicación de como hacerlo.
1-Hacer un triangulo.
Hacer un triangulo da igual el color
Pulsar SHIFT+CTRL para que salgan proporcional.
Aplicar la herramienta DIFERENCIA para que se parezca a la siguiente imagen.
Duplicar la figura para que quede asi:(Ayudate del reflejo de la figura)

Elimina esta parte de la figura.(Ayudate de la herramienta DIFERENCIA y la herramienta GOMA)
Realizar el extremo de la pieza como en la siguiente imagen.(Ayudate de la herramienta DIFERENCIA)
6-Agrupar y textura.
Agrupas las siguientes piezas y les das la siguiente textura.(Mosaico tela)
Degradar las dos figuras en rojo como en la siguiente figura.
Aplica sombra a cada pieza con el difuminado.
domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017
TASK #8:
TITLE: My favourite fictional character
DEADLINE:Sunday 12 February at 10.00
INSTRUCTIONS: Think of a fictional character that you like very much (if possible your favourite). DESCRIBE him or her following the guidelines below:
I'm a character who appears in a (comedy, film, novel, comic, video game, etc)
I'm someone who .............
My (best friend, girl/boyfriend, enemy, etc whose name is ............
My most (dangerous/romantic/exciting, etc) moment is when ........................
In a famous scene, which happens (at the beginning, in the middle, etc) of the film/novel/story .......
In (name of a plce) where the action takes place , I ...................
(Please, make sure that you write, at least 100 words)
I'm Batman, a fictional character created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger for DC Comics. I'm one of the most famous and popular superheroes. I'm someone who always wear a black suit with a robe, a mask and a yellow belt with a bat on it.
Im someone who lives in Gotham where i must fight against my enemies.
I have a big enemy, whose name is Joker, he is doing bad things and killing people.
I'm a character who appears in comics, films and video games too.
My most exciting moment is when i did an interrogation to the Joker.
TITLE: My favourite fictional character
DEADLINE:Sunday 12 February at 10.00
INSTRUCTIONS: Think of a fictional character that you like very much (if possible your favourite). DESCRIBE him or her following the guidelines below:
I'm a character who appears in a (comedy, film, novel, comic, video game, etc)
I'm someone who .............
My (best friend, girl/boyfriend, enemy, etc whose name is ............
My most (dangerous/romantic/exciting, etc) moment is when ........................
In a famous scene, which happens (at the beginning, in the middle, etc) of the film/novel/story .......
In (name of a plce) where the action takes place , I ...................
(Please, make sure that you write, at least 100 words)
I'm Batman, a fictional character created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger for DC Comics. I'm one of the most famous and popular superheroes. I'm someone who always wear a black suit with a robe, a mask and a yellow belt with a bat on it.
Im someone who lives in Gotham where i must fight against my enemies.
I have a big enemy, whose name is Joker, he is doing bad things and killing people.
I'm a character who appears in comics, films and video games too.
My most exciting moment is when i did an interrogation to the Joker.
In a famous scene, which happens in the middle of one of my film i get poisoned by the Joker it was really bad but i get antidote before it hurt me.
In Gotham where the action takes place, I punished a lot of villains.
miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017
jueves, 26 de enero de 2017
TASK #7: Unit 3 Test Speaking task.
TASK #7:
TITLE: Unit 3 Test Speaking task.
DEADLINE:Thursday 26 2017 at 10.00 pm
INSTRUCTIONS: MAKE a recording of your text on the importance of exams written during today's class. You can add more details, if you want. Make sure that the text contains, at least, a hundred words.
Then , as usual, send it to me at miguelgarciaarreza@gmail.com
PLEASE, make sure that the title is like this 1Bachnamesurnametask#7
TITLE: Unit 3 Test Speaking task.
DEADLINE:Thursday 26 2017 at 10.00 pm
INSTRUCTIONS: MAKE a recording of your text on the importance of exams written during today's class. You can add more details, if you want. Make sure that the text contains, at least, a hundred words.
Then , as usual, send it to me at miguelgarciaarreza@gmail.com
PLEASE, make sure that the title is like this 1Bachnamesurnametask#7
I think that this idea must be correct for some people, because you aer testing a student from a objetive point of view, but from my point of view its not the best option to test students because due to different causes the student couldnt study hard so he would fail the examn. Maybe students can have a bad day and wouldnt do the exam correctly.
From my point of view one day cant be enought for testing students, one test doesnt ''pay'' for all the homeworks that a student have done in class or in home.
A student must be test by the work in class and how is his actitude on class.
In conclusion test for me are just marks but without reason because they arent objetives like all the work in class and the actitude of students.
martes, 24 de enero de 2017
miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017
TASK #6: Christmas 2016/17 memories
TITLE: Christmas 2016/17 memories
DEADLINE: Thursday 12 2017 at 10.00 pm
INSTRUCTIONS: Please, COMPLETE the following:
After having thought of my Christmas holidays, I think the most memorable event I remember is this:
I think the most memorable event that happen to me this holidays was, when I went to my grandparents house in Nerja, we stood 4 days, and all my family went to there, it was really funny because all my cousins were there, the house is so big so we played football on the garden, and we played videogames on my cousin's computer too.
We went on 23 afternoon and we came back to my house the 26 of December, so we stood on Christmas and thanks to my whole family was there I get so many presents but most of them was clothes, I get money too.
On 31 of December we went back there and we ate the grapes all together.
The next days were normal on my grandparents house, we were all day playing football and watching TV, but the 5 of January I went with my family to see the three wise men with my litte cousins, but it was boring.
I really enjoyed all this event with my whole family, but from other point of view, I couldnt meet with any friend or play computer games with them.
I think the most memorable event that happen to me this holidays was, when I went to my grandparents house in Nerja, we stood 4 days, and all my family went to there, it was really funny because all my cousins were there, the house is so big so we played football on the garden, and we played videogames on my cousin's computer too.
We went on 23 afternoon and we came back to my house the 26 of December, so we stood on Christmas and thanks to my whole family was there I get so many presents but most of them was clothes, I get money too.
On 31 of December we went back there and we ate the grapes all together.
The next days were normal on my grandparents house, we were all day playing football and watching TV, but the 5 of January I went with my family to see the three wise men with my litte cousins, but it was boring.
I really enjoyed all this event with my whole family, but from other point of view, I couldnt meet with any friend or play computer games with them.
martes, 10 de enero de 2017
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