viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017

Práctica 2 scratch

Aqui vemos una mejora de la práctica original del blog del profesor, cuando le damos a la tecla espacio, no solo crea una rosa de color como en el original, crea muchas más y de diferentes colores y formas. Hemos implementado entre Carlos Borrás y yo, variables, bloques especiales y algoritmos matemáticos que permiten el funcionamiento de la aplicación.

martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Practica scratch

Aqui vemos un juego creado por mi y por mi compañero en el que tenemos una pelota que podemos mover con las flechas direccion y tenemos que escapar de las flechas, al perder desapareceran y mandaran un fondo de HAS PERDIDO.

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

TASK #10: Extraterrestrial Life

TASK #10:

TITLE: Extraterrestrial Life

DEADLINE: 9 March 2017 at 10.00 pm

INSTRUCTIONS: So far, scientists and astronomers have found no evidence that there's life anywhere else in the universe. The universe, though, is a huge place. What do you think?
Do you think life exists on other planets? If yes, would it be simple life forms or intelligent life, similar to the animals on our planet? If no, say why. In either case explain please. 

Then RECORD it and send it to me at my usual address. Please, change the title to


I think that of course there are life in other point of the universe, the universe is huge and if there is a planet like the earth with contitions for living, why cant be another planet with similar conditions.
Recently scientist discover a new solar system with differents planets with similar conditions of the Earth, so maybe on these planets could exist new species of animals plants or even an inteligent specie like human, but i think with a different look because maybe on these plantes there are different days with more or less light than on the Earth.
The universe is a strange place that is endless in my opinion and maybe we cant find any evidence of life but maybe in another remote place there is life and I think that for sure on the future we will discover it.