miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

Logo personal + explicación

Este es mi logo y voy a realizar una aplicación de como hacerlo.

1-Hacer un triangulo.
Hacer un triangulo da igual el color
Pulsar SHIFT+CTRL para que salgan proporcional.

Aplicar la herramienta DIFERENCIA para que se parezca a la siguiente imagen.

Duplicar la figura para que quede asi:(Ayudate del reflejo de la figura)

Elimina esta parte de la figura.(Ayudate de la herramienta DIFERENCIA y la herramienta GOMA)

Realizar el extremo de la pieza como en la siguiente imagen.(Ayudate de la herramienta DIFERENCIA)

6-Agrupar y textura.
Agrupas las siguientes piezas y les das la siguiente textura.(Mosaico tela)

Degradar las dos figuras en rojo como en la siguiente figura.

Aplica sombra a cada pieza con el difuminado.

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017

TASK #8:

TITLE: My favourite fictional character

DEADLINE:Sunday 12 February at 10.00
INSTRUCTIONS: Think of a fictional character that you like very much (if possible your favourite). DESCRIBE him or her following the guidelines below:

I'm a character who appears in a (comedy, film, novel, comic, video game, etc)
I'm someone who .............
My (best friend, girl/boyfriend, enemy, etc whose name is ............
My most (dangerous/romantic/exciting, etc) moment is when ........................
In a famous scene, which happens (at the beginning, in the middle, etc) of the film/novel/story .......
In (name of a plce) where the action takes place , I ...................

(Please, make sure that you write, at least 100 words)

I'm Batman, a fictional character created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger for DC Comics. I'm one of the most famous and popular superheroes. I'm someone who always wear a black suit with a robe, a mask and a yellow belt with a bat on it.
Im someone who lives in Gotham where i must fight against my enemies.
I have a big enemy, whose name is Joker, he is doing bad things and killing people.
I'm a character who appears in comics, films and video games too.
My most exciting moment is when i did an interrogation to the Joker.
In a famous scene, which happens in the middle of one of my film i get poisoned by the Joker it was really bad but i get antidote before it hurt me.
In Gotham where the action takes place, I punished a lot of villains.

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017


Practica 12

Practica 11

Practica 10

Practica 9

Practica 8

Practica 7

Practica 6

Practica 5