END OF YEAR 2016/2017 WRITING TASKTASK #14TITLE: My apraisal of the English class
DEADLINE: 21 June at 10.00 pm
INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE, WRITE a critical commentary of the English class. Say what you liked and also what you consider could be different and/or better/more useful.
PLEASE, feel free to comment on the English teacher too: his communication style, the way he gives instructions or explain things, etc.
UPLOAD the text on your blog.
First of all I would like to say that I liked this year according with the English class.
I liked how we were not just doing vocabulary or grammar activities and we do other activities like videos or we just discuss avout any topic, but in addition to this, I would say that we waste a lot of time on useless activities that dont help us on the unit like the activities of introduction of any unit.
The different activities of Christmas, Halloween and Easter are really nice because they help us to dont be so frustated with the examns on these dates.
I think we must speak mostly of the time of class on english and stop speaking spanish unless if we dont know something. With this I would like to remove the voice recording because I think is worthless doing it if the teacher can hear us on class. The blog is a nice idea but I think that we can use it or maybe Google Drive as a way of sharing file from the teacher to help us on the activities about the unit.
What i can say about the teacher is that he made the class really enjoyable, but maybe too enjoyable that some students dont the the correct things and I think that he must make the class enjoyable but always with care about these students.
In general I liked this year of the English class.